How to Grant User Access in Google Analytics
Once you’ve created your Google Analytics account, you can add extra users to access your information. This way multiple users can view your data. You can also create specific permissions per user, ranging from only viewing the data, to editing it.
If you want to only share information about your Google Analytics, it’s best to rather grant access to someone, instead of sharing your login details.
Step 1: Open the Settings in Google Analytics
After you have signed into your Google Analytics account, choose the site to which you want to grant access.
Next, click on the Admin option. This is the gear icon in the bottom left of your screen.
There are three types of access levels under the User Management option. Account, Property and View.
Account:this allows a user to add more users, extra websites, as well as link AdSense and AdWords data.
Property:this allows a user access to the tracking code. The user can also adjust the retargeting code and settings on a specific website.
View:this allows a user to view reports, add new goals and content groupings.
Step 2: Grant Access to a User
To add a new user, you will need to make sure that the person has either a gmail account, or that their email is registered in Google Accounts. You have to decide on which level you want to grant access (account, property or view).
Click on the “+” icon on the column you want to add the user to (account, property or view)
From the drop-down menu, click on “add new users”
Different types of permission can be assigned to a new user. You can choose between manage users, collaborate, edit or just read and analyze.
Manage Users: a user can add or delete users and assign permissions. This permission does not include the option to Edit or Collaborate.
Edit: access to administrative as well as report-related functions. This includes adding/editing/deleting accounts; access to properties, filters, views and goals. But it does not include managing users. A user with this permission can also see report data. This permission is required at the account level in order to create filters, and at the view level to be able to apply filters. It also includes Collaborate.
Collaborate: with this permission a user can create, edit, delete, as well as share personal assets. The shared personal assets include: dashboards, segments, conversion segments, attribution models, channel groupings, custom reports, and unsampled reports. The user can also collaborate on shared assets and it includes the Read & Analyze permissions.
Read & Analyze: the user can view report and configuration data. The data can also be manipulated within reports for instance to create a segment, add a secondary dimension, or filter a table. The permission allows the user to see shared assets, create personal assets, and share them. But it does not allow Collaboration on shared assets.
Enter the email of the user you want to add. You can send a notification email to the new user. Finally, click on add.
How to Modify the Permissions of an Existing User
Once you have created a user, you can modify the permissions assigned to the user at any time.
After you have signed into Google Analytics account, choose the site to which you want to change access. Next, click on the Admin option.
Choose the column of the level you want to change and click on User Management.
You can search for the user you want to change in the search box located at the top of the user list. Type in part of the email address or the full address.
Click on the user name, and then you can add or change permissions.
Remember to click Save.
How to Delete A User
After signing in to your Google Analytics, click on Admin and choose the account you want to change.
Click on User Management in the column you want to edit (account, property, or view)
Search for the user you want to change in the search box.
Check the box next to the user you want to delete.
Click Remove.
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